Saturday, September 13, 2014

Alternative Funding Sources

While examining potential funding for startups, I came across a few alternative-funding opportunities and we will take a look into a few of them.  The Community Development Venture Capital Alliance or CDVCA provides equity capital to businesses in underinvested markets. According to its website, “CDVCA is working on many fronts to build and strengthen the CDVC field. It promotes the field by combining advocacy, education, communication and best-practice dissemination through conferences and workshops.” Some of the requirements other than becoming a member is to have businesses in underinvested markets and will provide good jobs to low-income individuals and communities. CDVCA also provides workshops, seminars and consulting services. For more information visit

More funding opportunities can be found at the U.S. Economic Development Administration website, Among the opportunities are the 2014 Regional Innovation Grants which according to the website,  “support commercialization and entrepreneurship as described in the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010.” The EDA also accepts applications from companies in rural and urban areas that support construction and technical assistance among other programs. The website also provides a resources directory by state or territory which gives visitors the opportunities to explore possible funding and support.

First Nations Oweesta Corporation provides funding and resources for economic growth within Native American communities. The website provides information on their Training and Technical Assistance programs along with research and Lending and Capitalization programs. According to the website, “First Nations Oweesta makes loans to various types of Native community development financial institutions such as small business loan funds and credit associations that make consumer, business and housing loans.”

Overall each of these companies offers excellent information and resource material for your start-up or existing businesses. There are plenty of funding opportunities as well. Due diligence and research are required to determine if you or your company qualifies for the funding opportunities available. There are plenty of advantages to alternative funding, such as an abundance of resources and support. One of the disadvantages would be that the criteria for these programs could be very particular and your company might not fall under the specifications required to receive funding from these organizations.

First Nations Oweesta makes loans to various types of Native community development financial institutions such as small business loan funds and credit associations that make consumer, business and housing loans. - See more at:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Expert Views on Business Plans

The experts that I have chosen to research are Carl Schramm and Andrea Cockerton. Carl Schramm is an entrepreneur and PhD economist who many have referred to as the “evangelist of entrepreneurship.” He is also the former CEO of the Kauffman Foundation, a philanthropic foundation that happens to be one of the nations leading funders for entrepreneurship research. Andrea Cockerton is a pitch expert, helping entrepreneurs pitch for funding. She has held entrepreneurial workshops in the UK and helped more than 350 entrepreneurs. Cockerton is also an MIT Enterprise Forum board member.

According to the experts some key components that investors are looking for in a business plan are targeting a growing market, groundbreaking ideas, and that there is a plan to action. It is essential to target a growing market that has a need for your service or product. A growing market tends to not be overly saturated with products and services and allows for opportunities for growth and expansion. Groundbreaking ideas have the potential to grab investor attention and stand out amongst competitors business plan. If your idea, product, or idea grabs the investor’s attention, it has the potential to grab the publics’ attention. Carl Schramm shared his views in regards to characteristics of an entrepreneur, “They see things differently…” Having a unique point of view can assist in coming up with groundbreaking ideas, products, or services. An investor is more likely to consider business plans with a plan to action. The plan of action has to be specific to your industry. Knowing your industry has a lot to do with your plan of action. Research is key in this regard.

The suggestion that I am considering for my business plan involves having a more detailed plan to action. I plan to lay out my initial 12-month business and marketing strategies in regards to my industry. Having this plan will work as a guideline with room for change and flexibility. My involvement in the music industry means that my business must be flexible in order to survive the ever-changing climate of this industry.


Expert Views on Business Plans. (n.d.). : Andrea Cockerton & Angelo Meneguzzi. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from

Expert Views on Business Plans. (n.d.). Expert Views on Business Plans. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from

Gleeson, B. (2013, February 25). Searching for Angels: The 10 Best Ways to Attract Investors. Forbes. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from

How formal choral scholar Andrea Cockerton turned the Dowsing Sound Collective from a hobby to a business. (n.d.). Cambridge News. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from

Schramm, C. (2014, June 1). Why Immigration Is Crucial To The Revival Of America's Cities. Forbes. Retrieved August 10, 2014, from

Sunday, July 13, 2014

An Awards Show for the Rest of Us!
On June 28th 2014 at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica the inaugural Pensado Awards took place honoring all of the talented individuals behind the scenes who make the music you love possible. With categories such as, Break Thru Mixer Award, Game Changer Producer of the Year Award, OMG! Mix of the Year, Master of Mastering, and AIR Award for best assistant, Intern, or Runner, the Pensado Awards set itself apart from other award shows as a celebration of the underdog and under appreciated.              

Dave Pensado and Herb Trawick are co-host of Pensado’sPlace, a weekly show that offers audio techniques and interviews with industry professionals such as mix and tracking engineers, producers, artist, and studio managers. Dave Pensado is a Grammy Award winning engineer who has mixed for some of the industry’s biggest talents.

The Pensado Awards was an all-inclusive event, open to everyone, including the after party. This awards ceremony gave up and coming artist and engineers an opportunity to network with heavy weights within the music industry. The tickets at only $50 per, including the after party, made this event even more accessible. According to Forbes, “The Pensado Awards leveled the playing field.”  While receiving the Live/Front of House Mixer Award, John McBride shared his excitement about the future of the audio industry, “I really believe that the bar is being raised again….great things are on the horizon and happening again.”
The amount of information and knowledge that is being spread online through shows such as Pensado’s Place, I can see John McBride’s vision and share in his excitement for the future of audio. Not only is their a strong community within the virtual world of audio, these communities are also starting to expand and create spaces for professionals and enthusiast to come together and celebrate their love and passion for music. I believe that
the Inaugural Pensado Awards just might be the catalyst for more to come.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A.I. Mastering

There is a new online mastering service, which goes by the name of Landr and provides remote, (instant) mastering services free of charge. That’s right “free” but only for 192 kbps MP3s. If you want uncompressed wav files you will have to dish out $9-$19 per month, still not a bad deal if these services are what they say. It is true that mastering is critical to achieving that “polished” sound, but the reality is that it can be an expensive undertaking for independent artists. Just think about how much that an artist has already spent on production, recording and mixing. By the time a project reaches the mastering phase the budget has been depleted.

MixGenius claims that more than 8 years of research went into the algorithms utilized to master the audio. The website goes on to say, “Our team is composed of music industry veterans - award winning mixing engineers, top-level DSP programmers, musicians, producers and label owners - who know exactly what the mastering process needs to deliver.” With that amount of brainpower and resources, my expectations that this might actually work increased significantly.

I read mostly cynical and negative comments in audio forums with a few positive remarks sprinkled in. Most of the doubt was based on the A.I. and the fact that it was attempting to emulate human decision making on something as subjective as music.  I decided to try the service for myself. First I tried the free service and uploaded a song that I had mixed which was a blend of hip hop and reggae. The initial results of the 192 kbps MP3 was less than great. The loudness it provided does indeed compete with industry releases but the quality of the compression at 192 was not the very good. Even with the less than ideal quality of the mp3, it showed enough potential for me to dig further into their premium services. I tried the $9 per month “amateur” service, which allows 4 uncompressed wav masters. The result of receiving wav files verses the 192 kbps mp3 was night and day. The low end was tamed a bit and the premium services gave you the option to pick the level of compression. Low, Medium, and High. The low setting was the most musical and dynamic, but lacked the loudness to compete with mainstream releases. The High setting was very competitive with industry loudness standards but lacked musicality and dynamic range. My favorite setting was the medium, which gave you a little bit of both. 

In my opinion, Landr might not be the ideal mastering situation for the independent artists, but it can work with specific genres especially if you are trying to compete with industry “loudness.” I can see these types of A.I. mastering services getting relatively better in the coming years. Another application that producers and mix engineers may take advantage of is using Landr to expose potential problems in the mix.