Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Quality Education

In this post I will like to discuss the growing number of educational outlets for today's producers and engineers. Sites such as, and are great resources for aspiring and professional producers and engineers alike. The Recording Revolution and Pensado's Place also have YouTube channels that engage the audience with visual tutorials and interviews with industry professionals. The ever-evolving landscape of the professional audio industry can seem overwhelming to aspiring professionals. Staying up to date with the goings on in the audio world is crucial for success. The utilization of these educational online outlets gives amateurs and professionals alike, the opportunity to stay abreast in today's audio professions.

As opportunities for apprenticeships in big name studios and production houses continue to shrink, first hand education can suffer. Fortunately with change there also comes opportunity. Exploring online audio communities can allow producers/engineers to engage in different perspectives and techniques that one may apply as fits to his or her workflow and/or personality. Social Networking also offers its share of informative audio communities. You can check out the Mattrix Minute on Twitter and Spotify to get daily 60 second tips on how to succeed in the music business.
There are also numerous opportunities for emerging producers and engineers to practice their craft and submit their work for a chance for prizes and work within the industry. A site like gives producers and engineers opportunities to remix and produce tracks for industry peers and professionals. For more informative content you can also check out indablog for great tips and suggestions. Indabamusic has recently launched a licensing leg, indabasync, which presents a great opportunity for emerging artist to license their music commercially to games, film, television and a variety of other media opportunities.

As you can see there are many educational opportunities for emerging audio professionals. The few I have listed above are simply sites and blogs that I personally use and resonate with. My suggestion to you is to explore the myriad of sites and networks, until you find the communities that resonate with you.