Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cloud Rap?

Hip Hop in a little over 40 years after its inception has grown into a mammoth of a genre and just as rock and jazz have done over their lifespans, has spawned several sub-genres. Wikipedia has listed over 50 sub-genres, which could be a conservative figure when you start considering global hip hop scenes as well as fusions such as hick hop and rock hop. 

From alternative hip hop to crunk, from conscious hip hop to gangsta rap, hip hop can no longer be simply categorized by regional affiliation. It’s bigger than east and west coast hip hop or Midwest and dirty south hip hop, this genre we know as hip hop is a global phenomenon which is being expressed in a myriad of styles, languages, and ideals.  

One of the more recent sub-genres to develop is the sensation known as cloud rap. 2010, 2011 saw The BasedGod himself, Lil B make an impact on the hip hop world with his whimsical lyrics and ethereal production from New Jersey producer Clams Casino. This seems to be what many consider the beginnings of the cloud rap movement. What took traction and pushed the movement forward was Casino’s atmospheric soundscapes more so than Lil-B’s lyrical prowess. Clams Casino has also produced for A$AP Rocky and Mac Miller who both have a foot in the cloud rap genre.

Cloud rap can be described as atmospheric, new age, ethereal and airy.The use of 808 bases and snare rolls can be distinguishing traits along with EDM-esque transitional sweeps along with the reduction of sample rates in various parts of the arrangement. The vocal production makes use of big reverbs and delays. Filters and stutter effects can also be heard from time to time. Lyrically the subject matter has a wide range, from smoking loud and taking acid trips to altered states of consciousness (see Flatbush Zombies) and the questioning of ones reality. Spirituality and human evolution is expressed by New York duo The Underachievers. There are also some cloud rap emcees who express heartbreak and failed relationships. Superstar Drake has productions on several of his releases that have been heavily influenced by the cloud rap sound and production style of Clams Casino. Although cloud rap is a sub-genre, it is not necessarily a regional genre; you can hear its influence from artists on both coasts and anywhere in between. Whenever you find yourself in the mood for some introspection, cloud rap just might be your sub-genre of choice.